The sound of silence

Sound in a conversation

There is something very curious in the English language, that do not happen in all idioms. I will explain.

Here you have an example about what I am talking about:

In this video we can see and listen an interview with Will Smith, a famous actor.If you want to, I recommend you to see until the 1:10 minute. In what I want you to notice is how people who speak English make accentuations in words to highlight them over others, in order to give more emphasis and importance. For example:

-«You have to believe that something different that what has happened for the last fifteen millions years of history, you have to believe that something different can happen» (10- 0:22 minute).

Now I am going to put in bold the words that he emphazises: «You have to believe that something different that what has happened for the last fifteen millions years of history, you have to believe that something different can happen»

According to the Prezi Pilar has prepared, we can recognize that the voice of Will is in a medium volumen, just as his tone, enough to hold a conversation with another person. And, as you can appreciate, his texture and shape are smooth and soft.

One thing I really like from this interview is the way Will Smith in which he explains his reasons for opining as he does. He gives the opportunity to the other person to speak and share other ways to see the same thing, and as they agree the conversation becomes more fluent. They are not at all repetitive and they know – maybe thanks of theis experience how to do a public speech-.


Sound in a song

The song I have chosen is «Il divo – Hallelujah». Here it is:

This group is composed by four tenors from different countries, one of them from Spain. This song is in Spanish, so that the three ones who are not Spanish had to learn it in a foreign language. This means that their accent is not perfect, but as long as you want to listen beauty music, you would be able to understand it very easily. In its origin is a soft, calm song, but in all its interpretations is usually given a change of height and tension in some of its parts, especially at the end (2:23). The lyrics are not the same as the original, in this version we can listen to a song which proclaims, mainly, the peace. They also talk about religion, and an atheist person will not feel offended because of the lyric, that is because I like that much this song.

The base os this song is always the same melody, with the same instrument, in the origin with a piano, in this case it seems to be a guitar, with an orchestra in the background which appears in the right moment giving the volumen that is needed.

I think this song cannot displease anybody.


Audiovisual-moving images

I believe that this event is practised a lot until the day arrives. This is an important moment for the United States, so that everything has to be controlled. The technical team that makes this event possible is definitely very professional. They really know how to combine few views, always giving importance to the `dancers´and the singer. I would added a general plane to make possible see the place.

Also the changes between the scenes are very soft, as the movement of the camera, what we can appreciate is very calm and slow, because we want to `feel´the moment, we do not need big contrasts.

In conclusion, I think they had chosen a very good singer, that lives up to this event. In this moment of the contemporary history we were living a remarkable situation: it was the first afro-american Preident of the United States, and the Neighborhood ball needed to be one of the best ever, and thanks of all they achieved it. The ilumination, the song, the way they did it, the performance of Barack, Michelle and of course Beyoncé, and all the people who work as hard as possible to give the people the spetacle they deserved to see.




LACASA, P. «Session 8 Audiovisual Sound part a». 7-12-2016. Available on:



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