The sound of silence

Sound in a conversation There is something very curious in the English language, that do not happen in all idioms. I will explain. Here you have an example about what I am talking about: In this video we can see and listen an interview with Will Smith, a famous actor.If you want to, I recommend … Continúa leyendo The sound of silence

How is rhythm created in a film?

The pace of a movie depends on the time that believes itself in it, and on how the assembly arranges the duration of the planes and relates the facts that are narrated. The pace of a movie depends also on other technologies, as the movement in the scene, the use of the chamber or the … Continúa leyendo How is rhythm created in a film?

How is tone and color used in a film?

First of all we need to know how the grey scale is controlled in a film sequence. We actually know that the film we are working on is `Schindler´s list´. This film was made in black and white intentionally, so it is a great opportunity to take advantage of it. We have three main elements … Continúa leyendo How is tone and color used in a film?


About the subject of the film The ethnocentrism has caused, in many parts of the world, the recovery and the conservation of the cultural tradition, but also it has provoked the discrimination of other traditions; it is, therefore, an analysis of other cultures from his own. And the problem is that some of them believe his culture has … Continúa leyendo SEQUENCE PROJECT